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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

The Italian company LARIUS from Calolciocorte has been active since 1969 in the development and production of professional painting equipment and systems for paints, enamels and coatings that are used in large industrial plants to provide an automatic painting process using both liquid and powder paints. The company's products are also used extensively in the construction industry, as well as for road marking.

Pneumatic extrusion pumps and systems

Pneumatic extrusion pumps and systems are designed to supply fluids and materials that are particularly viscous or sticky. Larius equips its fluid supply systems with compact professional extrusion guns for applying liquids of different viscosities and densities. The supply systems are also available in a trolley version, which makes transport much easier and increases mobility. The Nova, Vega, Omega and Ghibli air-operated pumping systems offer maximum performance, are equipped with two levels of paint hopper sensors, leave a minimum amount of paint in the hopper and quickly change the paint hopper. 


Transfer diaphragm and piston pumps

LARIUS 2 and LARIUS 4 double diaphragm pumps are an effective solution for the transfer of low to medium viscous fluids (glues, varnishes, paints etc.). The advantages of these pumps are corrosion resistant design, precise speed adjustment at high pressure maintenance, minimum wear, and low maintenance. The piston air transfer pumps are ATEX certified, made of carbon steel or stainless steel, and capable of handling a wide range of aggressive liquids of different viscosities.


Mixing and dosing systems

LARIUS electronic multi-component dosing and mixing systems allow for automatic ratio control within set parameters. Electronic multi-component systems work at low and medium pressure with manual, automatic and electrostatic atomisers, providing constant flow, better adhesion and colour fastness thanks to quality mixing of components. Larius manufactures multi-component airless paint spraying systems, multi-colour systems with variable mixing ratio, multi-component heavy-duty protective coating systems, multi-component airless pumps, sealants and adhesives mixing systems.


Electrostatic and pneumatic spraying systems

We offer electrostatic atomizers equipped with a probe to check the specific resistance of the paint. Sprayers made of materials chemically inert to solvents, oils and paints, equipped with displays for the selection and indication of operating parameters, designed for the application of both water-based and solvent-based paints with easy transition from one type of paint to another. The family of airless pneumatic sprayers can be supplied in various configurations (cart-mounted, with wall console or directly with a container). The units provide a uniform spray pattern with excellent application quality, high throughput, automatic shutdown and start-up.


Electrostatic powder systems

The CH200 Powder Systems consist of an electro-pneumatic rack generator, a powder container or vibrating table, a powder gun and a trolley for transport of the complete system. The electropneumatic rack generator contains the electrical and pneumatic supply and control circuits. The object to be coated uniformly with the electrically charged powder coating, after which it is placed in the curing oven.


Airless road marking machines

LARIUS manufactures a range of different road marking products which are applied by spraying paint at high pressure. This allows the fastest and most productive method of marking, resulting in clear boundaries on a wide variety of surfaces, one-pass, high quality markings with fast drying paints. The systems' advantages include easy and safe start-up and control of the machine, reduced wear and tear, operational flexibility (possible for interior and exterior applications) and the possibility of quick colour changes.

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The video above was taken from LARIUS official website/Youtube channel.

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